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This was one of the greatest unexpected reunions ever!

Anthony is wearing a blue sweater black hat and sunglasses sitting next to Bill who is standing wearing a grey shirt and shorts

This was one of the greatest unexpected reunions ever. I’ve had one similar to this in an online presentation but this one takes the cake. It was just one of those mornings and with my time in Tucson dwindling I wanted to get the most out of the time here. With 2 of my vehicles down and in the shop, I was determined to make it to an early Saturday morning cars and coffee event but I needed a ride. I called an Uber. Using a wheelchair and calling an uber can always be an interesting experience and thankfully I haven’t had any bad ones. I was already late and started to debate even going to this event where a bunch of dudes just sit around in a parking lot looking at cars and talking shop. To make a long story short the uber showed up and I hopped in. I gave the driver some instructions on what to do with my wheelchair but he had it pretty well figured out and knew what to do which is always a comforting feeling.(The thing costs 10k!) 


As we started to drive we spoke a bit and then he asked me about my last name. I answered his question and that’s when he looked up at me and said I think I may have helped you out with a stay years ago in Oro Valley at a hotel that I managed. At that very moment my mind was blown!!!! There was no way, it couldn’t be! What the heck?! Really!? I asked him his name again and he said it was Bill and that was when the memories flooded in and the emotions hit, I needed to take a second…


There’s a really long back story here and there was so much going on in my head going to this car meet. The journey of building a race car that is completely custom is an extremely rough one and it’s time here in Tucson has been even rougher. The fact it’s been in the shop more than in my possession is beyond sad but I am super blessed to have even been able to embark on this crazy journey. So needless to say I was crushed not to be able to cruise with the boys at  one of my last meets here in Tucson…


 But why am I even in Tucson and going to car shows on a Saturday morning? Honestly, because some people saw something in me and gave me a chance and I am beyond blessed. Bill fits in here soon. When I first started my cycling career back in late 2013 early ‘14 I met my first Coach Mirek who was adamant that I need to leave Toronto in the winter and go to Tucson, Arizona in the winter to train and climb the famous Mt. Lemmon. This was all fine and dandy except for the fact that I could barely afford to make it through the weeks at this point in time in my life. Flying to Tucson for a few weeks to ride my bike was not something I could afford. 


Thankfully I was able to work out an amazing deal with my Coach Mirek (and now chauffeur) for a winter training camp but his house was not fully accessible and in order for this training camp to work I needed a place to stay…Still being fairly new to the wheelchair and my first time away from home alone for an extended stay my anxiety and excitement were at an all time high while my bank account was at an all time low. With the help of my now wife and her mom we got to work making some calls. With only a few options in town it wasn’t looking good until Bill answered the phone at the Fairfield Inn. To this day when I drive past the Fairfield, La Encantada, the canyons, and the golf course in Oro Valley I feel so good about how far I’ve come despite how things have worked out. 


To make an already long post shorter, Bill answered the phone and I explained to him that I am an aspiring athlete with a crazy coach who wanted me to come to Arizona for a month long training camp but I had nowhere to stay and even less money to work with. After a few emails back and forth Bill had graciously offered me a rate at the Fairfield Inn that could make this trip possible. I could tell through the emails that Bill was a good person and that I was going to be alright with my stay at Fairfield. 


This was also only my second time meeting Coach Mirek and he had never worked with a wheelchair athlete before…at this point in the post I feel like I need to do a video but I’ll finish it out because if you’ve made it this far you’re hooked! Coach Mirek would pick me up every morning from the hotel where I would wake up and eat breakfast, which was huge because it was included. Bill was usually around to say hello and chat with. After that, it was off to training. 


Lunch and dinner were usually at Coach Mirek’s house and then I would get dropped back off at the Fairfield to to wind down for the night and do it all again the next day. Bill was always there, interested and eager to see how the day’s training went. It felt good to have such amazing support right off the bat from people that I didn’t even know. At the end of the month it was time to say goodbye and I left knowing that I would be back the very next year. I fell in love with Tucson. 


About a month ago, it was officially my last day of class at the University of Arizona! (for now…) I have fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming a dual sport Division 1 scholarship athlete. I could not have done this on my own. I believe God has put these people in my life to make sure I get to where I need to be. I cannot thank Coach Mirek and Bill enough and the countless amounts of other supporters who still stand behind me to this day. 


My entire reason for this post was to tell an amazing story that still has so many more parts to it. The real reason is because I want you to know that at some point in time in your life someone will come to you asking for help. Whether you know it or not, you have the ability to change the trajectory of that person’s life. If Bill hadn’t answered that phone call and I didn’t make that first trip down to Tucson, things could be a lot different now. Thankfully he answered and did whatever he could to make it happen. Because Bill answered that phone call,  I have visited, stayed and actually lived in Tucson for the past couple of years. Because he answered that phone call, I received a Division 1 scholarship. Because he answered that phone call, I found my love for the desert and all of the crazy that comes along with it. Because he answered that phone call, I have formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Because he helped me out, he gave me a chance to excel and make it to the next level and phase of my life! 


Thanks Bill! 

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