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15 Years as a Wheelchair User…

Anthony sitting underneath the arm of the crane that crushed him and made him a paraplegic

“Time flies when you’re having fun”…It’s been 15 years of being a wheelchair user. I wish I could say things are getting easier and society is becoming more accessible but sadly that is just not the case. With physical and attitudinal barriers at every turn, it can be a daunting task to leave your home on a daily basis. I’ve been super fortunate to have an amazing support system around me. I have great ambition and drive but this isn’t the case for everyone. I really thought I’d have some great insights to share after 15 years but today I am just happy to be alive. This accident took so much from me and ironically, it gave me more. More appreciation for life,  for those around me and for the simple things that many of us take for granted everyday. 

If these last few years have taught me anything it’s to “put your mask on first”. If you’ve never flown before, the flight attendant goes through the safety procedures before take off. They say if you are traveling with an infant or elderly person, in the event of an emergency, “put your mask on first, then help others around you.”(It’s not word for word but you get the point) If you pass out, you cannot help anyone. This is my very simple analogy of taking care of you and becoming the best YOU that you can be. We are in tumultuous times and having a sense of self, who you are and what you believe in are being tested everyday. Life will consistently throw hurdles at you but how you react will determine how far you make it in this rat race we call life. Continually working on myself and goals will ultimately get me to the point of really being able to help others build and thrive. Lately the term “ it takes a village” has popped up in a lot of my conversations. One thing I hope for the future is that we all somehow can get along and be more compassionate to one another. I know it’s a crazy dream but I’m a dreamer and the majority of my dreams have already become reality so this may not be too far of a stretch. 

As Buzz Lightyear would say…”To infinity and beyond!” I’m just getting started.

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