Valley of the Sun Stage Race Recap

What a weekend!!!!!! The Valley of the Sun Stage Race has probably been one of my better cycling experiences so far. Not only because it was my first real stage race but the fact that my training is starting to pay off. I managed to pull a rabbit out of my helmet this...

What’s it like to live the dream?

I meet people almost on a daily basis! As we get talking there are generally 2 questions that are always asked…1) how did you end up in the wheelchair and 2) what do you do for a living!? It’s the second question that I love to answer. I tell them that I...

Training Camp 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I might be a couple of weeks late with that but you know what they say…”better late than never!” I really cannot express how blessed I feel to be here in Arizona again for training camp. I don’t even know where to start…...

Energy Gels don’t taste that good!

My cousin Andrew stopped by as I was cleaning out my equipment bag from this season. I found an old energy gel and I immediately thought to myself “MAKE HIM DO IT!’ And he did! Watch him take an energy gel shot and get a mouthful of that electrolyte brew!...

Bring me Back!

On days like today I can’t help but dream about being in Arizona riding the trails! There will be a flood of images and an update from the year once I figure out how to use the website! Stay Tuned!!!

2015 @ a Glance!

What can I say? It sucked! LOL One thing is for sure is that this is definitely not a sprint!  Coming into this sport I knew that I would be learning. The funny thing is that I thought I knew a lot or enough about cycling to make a big impact. This year has taught me...