AZ update!!!

AZ update!!!

There are a lot of things in life that I am grateful for and right now the fact that I am down here and not at home makes me a happy man. To think that I would be stuck inside of my apartment for days because of the weather, puts me in a horrible mood, and...

2019 is going to be Amazing!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!! Better late, than never right?! Well what can I say except…Thank God 2018 is in the rear view mirror and I’m going full throttle ahead into 2019. Trying not to dwell on the past but 2018 was one of the worst yet best years of my life....

No Mountain Too High Fundraising Gala!

*To Purchase Tickets go to the *Gala Fundraiser* section at the top of the page!* Well. It is that time of year again! When you follow your heart and not your wallet, you have to have fundraisers lol As does any athlete that performs at the highest level, they cannot...

The Celebration of Speed!

The Celebration of Speed…I think the name says enough and when I was asked to show up as a guest you can guess my answer was an obvious YES!!! I had the chance to meet a famous Canadian Hall of Fame race car driver named Peter Lockhart. I knew I liked him even before...